Rules: One-Two-Fun





Win the World Cup in


Combination Soccer for 2 clever kickers

by Jürgen Michel
translated by Bruce Allen

Introduction - short version

A player wins by scoring more goals than his or her opponent.

Both players play with the same 3 markers. Each marker represents both soccer player and ball. Markers move in a straight line along the lines on the board, counting distance from intersection to intersection. It is not allowed to jump onto or over a marker, or to move a marker towards your side of the board (Except: corner kick).

For kick-off place the 3 markers on the centre line within the kick-off circle and set the cubes on the scoring tracks to ’0’.

A turn consists of moving 2 markers. (Except: penalty kick, free kick, corner kick)

The player rolls both dice. The result of each die determines how far a marker of the player's choice moves. No marker may be moved twice during one turn.
With the result of one of the dice, the player moves the first marker either to the left, to the right, or diagonally forward towards the opponent's side. With the result of the other die, the player must move one of the other markers diagonally forward towards the opponent's side, so that it travels across the line that connects the marker moved first to the marker that remained stationary. As long as the player can complete his/her turn according to these rules, s/he can take another turn. If the result of the dice roll prevents a valid play, the markers are left in their positions and it is the opponent's turn.

Scoring (a goal): To score a goal, a marker must, within the same move, first cross the line connecting the other two markers, then cross the goal-line. Only the marker moved second may score a goal (Except: direct free kick, penalty kick). When scoring a goal (and only then!), the die roll used to move the scoring marker may be higher than necessary. After a goal has been scored and marked on the scoring track, the opponent sets the 3 markers on the centre line in the kick-off circle and takes his/her turn.

Dice Roll: "Two-of-a-kind" result
The player may choose one of the following:
1. "Advantage": Play on as usual, but with a "two-of-a-kind" result in this case.
2. "Direct free kick": The player is allowed to add the results of the dice and move one marker only: This move must be diagonally forward towards the opponent's side, and across the line connecting the other two markers. It is possible to score a goal, if the goal-line is crossed too.
3. "Indirect free kick": The player re-rolls the dice.

"1-1" Roll: Penalty kick, if at least one marker is in the opponent's penalty area.

The player chooses one marker, sets it on the penalty point, moves any other marker from inside the penalty area to any space adjacent to it, and rolls one die. If s/he rolls a "1" or a "2" s/he misses (falls short), with a "3", "4", "5", or "6" s/he scores. Missing a penalty kick always results in a turnover; the markers are left in the positions they take after the kick and it is the opponent's turn.

Corner kick: If one of the markers is in a corner-kick position at the beginning of a turn, the player is allowed to choose one or both of the dice to move this marker straight backwards, or diagonally backwards, or along the goal-line. S/he is not allowed to move another marker in this turn after taking this option; the player has to roll the dice again to continue play with his/her next turn.

End of the game: The first to score 7 goals wins.

For Professional Soccer Players:

Goalkeepers are introduced to the game. The player may move his/her goalkeeper one space in any direction, before the player whose turn it is rolls the dice. The goalkeeper blocks only the space he occupies, other markers can jump over the goalkeeper - even lob over him - to score a goal.
Blocking a penalty kick. The goalkeeper blocks a penalty kick if his player rolls the same as the shooter did.

Variants: (for a longer match!)

The goalkeeper blocks any scoring shot that passes over him if his owner rolls the same result as the shooter used for the shot. When defending against a "direct free kick", the player can choose whether to roll both dice or only one die, only the totals are compared (e.g. 4+6 defends against 5+5; or 6 against 3+3). If successfully blocked, the marker is set on the goalkeeper, whose player takes his or her turn.
(World-Championship-Competition has been played on 6.18.2006 including this rule-variant!)

Please notice: Further details in the complete game rules!

© copyright 2006, Jürgen Michel, 35091 Cölbe
